How Does the Mentality of Wealth Work?


How does the mentality of wealth work (after you start to have it, of course) and I have it after 8 months of continuous work with dr. Nelson Bradley's Emotion Code. A few days ago I made a post on a local product group, selling organically raised duck eggs - surplus from our ducks. In general, on such groups, people comment on the price - I had such a group (until FB closed it) with 40k people and there was rarely a post where someone did not comment that it is cheaper in the market or in Carrefour and link to each producer who "senseless" dared to evaluate his work a little higher than the chemicals on the market. Tomatoes for 4 lei from the Turks? Well, you still have to sell, you morons who work for 5 months continuously and sell something of quality. Yeah, that's about the level. Please...back to my post. After a few days my post only has a few likes and finally someone gives me an order. Next to my order, my friend put a recommendation message that my eggs are very good. Tested of course. 

I didn't stress too much about the sale. Whatever doesn't sell, I put them in pickles and make pasta anyway. Rather than giving them away for nothing, as good as they are, I'd rather do something with them. 

In private, my friend tells me that she is annoyed by all the individuals who couldn't help but comment on the price on my post... The price? Well, I only see the comment with the order and its recommendation, nothing else. FB didn't show me even one of the comments related to the price that my friend was seeing. 
I didn't bother looking for them, I don't want to waste my time and ruin my day, but as an idea. My mentality made me see, literally, only the comments that were not related to the poverty mentality, not even one of the comments in which people complained that I had the insensitivity to put the egg at 2.5 lei 🙂 Now you understand how this hologram in which we live works us and how our thoughts build it?