Cloudy Days and Our Batteries

 What do we do when it's cloudy for several days in a row and the batteries are almost empty? Well, we save the energy. No surprise there ...

We turn off the fridge and freezer during the night or we take the food in the fridge outside on the porch and turn the fridge off. Temperature -2 Celsius right now, -5 estimated for tonight (28 and 23 Fahrenheit). Food will be ok outside. The batteries for the freezer are still fine and sun will be out of the clouds tomorrow. When it is cloudy for about a week, we take out the generator and charge the batteries, it takes about 2 hours. We are fine, we learned to manage the power wfficiently, don't waste it. For heating and cooking we have the wood stove.

In Search of My Soul: From Human Resources Manager to Off-Grid Farmer


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