Attracting Money. You Get What You Are Not What You Want - Law of Attraction Explained in Simple Words

In Search of My Soul: From Human Resources Manager to Off-Grid Farmer

After I decided to stay home with our son and quit corporate my main frustration have been money obviously. I never had enough, I hated asking my husband. Now I am fine and here are a few ideas to remember and implement in your life if you want money to come to you easily:

  • be what you want - you get what you are not what you want. I have to repeat this 1000 times because it's so simple and so true. So be rich inside to become rich outside. How are rich people? Confident, relaxed, satisfied, grateful, generous, calm. Be like that today if you want money tomorrow. Each time I worry, forget to be grateful and complain, money stops until I come back to being calm, relaxed and grateful. Then money comes back again. They are energy.
  • find joy in giving at least 10% of what you get - it's a rule that works - donate to causes you believe in and with joy and ease, not because I tell you to and you have to.
That's it. The first rule is the most important and it works for me each time. Each time I worry today, money stops tomorrow and doesn't come back until after I get relaxed again...How are YOU every day about money?